Protective Training Workshop Programme

Persons with intellectual disability and psychiatric illness are equally deserving of opportunities for lifelong learning and skills development, but need appropriate support and coaching to enjoy success. They need to be prepared and equipped for equal employment opportunities and social economic participation.

The Challenge Protective Training Workshop addresses this need by offering job and skills development opportunities for 807 service users at 8 Training Workshops in Chatsworth, Durban North Merebank, Wentworth, Newlands, Sherwood, Pinetown and Phoenix. These Training workshops are easily accessible to service users from disadvantaged communities where resources for economic integration is limited.

The Programme offers respite care and stimulation, basic and advanced life skills training, a work skills programme, supported employment and work opportunities. The Programme offers packaging services to business houses at a competitive rate and undertakes packaging for major events namely, Comrades Marathon, East Coast Radio Big Walk and Conferences. In addition, the Services SETA funded a 12-month Learnership in hygiene and cleaning Level 1 benefitting 13 service users. Our Training Academy also trains service users in hygiene and cleaning and motor vehicle cleaning.